Scrap Room Tour 2020

Hey Scrappin Fans,

It has been 1 year since I really moved thngs around in my scrap room and I was getting a little bored. This I think was also affecting my mojo as I was not happy with the way things were organised and I could not easily access things. SO I changed things up, and while some furniture has stayed put, I moved things like my desk around to maximise what I can do.

Without further ado here is my updated scrap room tour. If you have any questions please leave me a comment and don’t forget to subscribe to see all my scrappy fun.

Happy Scrappin

Ames xx

New Craft Room Tour

Hey Scrappin Fans,

I have a new video to share and one I always personally love seeing; a craft room tour!! Yes I am taking you for a walk through my new scrappy room, in all its glory (and constantly changing haha). I will show you how my desk is organised, my Alex drawers, craft trolley and my Ikea Kallax unit.

I do love my little crafty room, although I do keep changing little parts of it to get it to just the right way.

Click on the link below to head over to my channel and check out my video.

Happy Scrappin
